企業におけるソーシャルイシューの認識 : 雪印はなぜ2回目の不祥事を防げなかったのか
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This paper seeks to clarify the pitfalls that companies come across in recognizing social issues. To achieve this, it discusses comparative analysis of measures taken by Snow Brand Milk Products Co., Ltd. to deal with two scandals that hit the company-the mass food poisoning of 2000 and the beef-mislabeling scam of 2002. Measures taken by the company after these incidents can be summarized as follows. After the mass food poisoning case, they 1) strengthened safety and quality control management systems, 2) established a crisis management strategy, and 3) set up a management advisory committee. Meanwhile, after the beef labeling fraud, they 1) set up a corporate ethics committee, and 2) institutionalized corporate ethics and implemented work on instilling the related concepts. Snow Brand swiftly dealt with the two issues of quality control and crisis management in specific divisions after the food poisoning outbreak. This means that they actually did something to handle the incident and worked hard on particular issues. After the beef labeling fraud scandal, Snow Brand (including its group companies and subsidiaries) implemented long-term measures to address the problem on a company-wide basis in recognition of a broad range of social issues. In this paper, Snow Brand's reaction to the mass food poisoning case is discussed from the viewpoint of issue myopia-a phenomenon in which companies only recognize particular social issues and fail to pay attention to others. In conclusion, the answer to the question in this paper-Why did Snow Brand fail to prevent the second scandal?-is issue myopia in which the company focused only on measures related to quality control and crisis management after the first scandal. Finally, the conclusion of the paper points out a need for the development of a theory and the formulation of measures to prevent misconduct based on the difficulty of recognizing social issues.
- 2010-10-30
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