日本におけるCSR推進の鍵は何か : ジェンダー平等とワーク・ライフ・バランスに関する調査結果から(自由論題)
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Over the last few years, a great deal of effort has been made on CSR management, however what seems to be lacking is labour conditions that are gender equal and WLB as the CSR. The purpose of this paper is to explore the powerful drive for CSR in Japan. Grosser and Moon (2006) classified the driving forces as "Market" "Government" and "Civil society". We adopted their classification and hypothesized that "Government" was the most effective driving force. We conducted a survey on Japanese CSR reports and we also carried out interviews. According to the CSR reports survey, the information of WLB increased after 2005. This can be explained by "The law concerning support for the next generation". In the interviews, we asked for the reason of the increase in the information on WLB. Most companies answered that they were not aware of the law. Therefore our hypothesis was not supported.
- 2009-03-31
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- 日本におけるCSR推進の鍵は何か : ジェンダー平等とワーク・ライフ・バランスに関する調査結果から(自由論題)
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