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Enterprising behavior is generally defined as an individual professional option and a way to achieve self-career fulfillment. However, it should not be ignored that differentiated from other human behavior, enterprising behavior is more closely related with many social factors than pure individual motivation.For this reason, in this paper, a framework is built to analysis enterprising behaviors, in which the individual quality of the entrepreneurs is considered to be an internal factor, while the social factors that affected the enterprising behavior are considered as the external factors. In this framework the whole enterprising process is considered to be completed through 3 steps, which are desire to enterprising, activities to set up a business and the successful management of a enterprise.This study focuses to understand the influences of the social system that activates the enterprising behaviors by examining the inter-function between the internal factors and external factors through the 3 steps.
- 日本福祉大学の論文
- 2005-02-28
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