S1904-2-3 外部領域を考慮したレーザーデトネーションの非定常伝播解析(大気突入・減速技術(2))
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A Laser Propulsion system is one type of the space propulsion engines. Laser-supported Detonation (LSD), the most important phenomenon in this system, can generate high pressure and high temperature by laser absorption. In this system, the most available method to study the roles of LSD wave is considered to perform numerical analysis. As a typical analysis model, to simplify the realistic laser propulsion systems, axisymmetric-nozzle-geometry is applied. As an irradiated laser beam, CO_2 gasdynamic laser is applied, because it can achieve too high laser power to realize LSD wave. In this study, we analyzed LSD waves propagating through an axisymmtrical nozzle to an ambient atmosphere in order to imitate the realistic exhaust, which is essential for estimating the performance. As a numerical method, Physical Fluid Dynamics scheme, which has been constructed by considering non-equilibrium laser absorption processes, is applied.
- 2009-09-12
- S1904-2-3 外部領域を考慮したレーザーデトネーションの非定常伝播解析(大気突入・減速技術(2))
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