S0301-2-2 砥歪効果を利用した微小疲労き裂測定法の検討(疲労特性に及ぼす各種因子の影響(2))
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The general method is not always effective for the measurement of fatigue small crack growth properties by relation of accuracy and a device characteristic. Non-contact and the highly precise measurement are expected by the use of a magnetostriction effect to apply in this study. The small crack growth properties measurement by a magnetic field change with the magnetostriction effect that was one of a characteristic of magnetism of ferromagnetic substance was studied. Using a coil and a hall sensor, a magnetic field change with magnetostriction effect was detected, and the waveform changes of both outputs were inspected. The experiment result was revealed that the small crack affects a magnetic field change by a magnetostriction effect.
- 社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2009-09-12
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- S0301-2-2 砥歪効果を利用した微小疲労き裂測定法の検討(疲労特性に及ぼす各種因子の影響(2))
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