T0502-2-6 テッポウエビに学ぶキャビテーションノイズ発生法(マイクロ・ナノ領域におけるバイオ・熱流体の融合学術創成(2)マイクロ・ナノフルイズ)
- 論文の詳細を見る
The bubble-bubble interaction through pressure pulses has been studied to show that it can be a source of cavitation noise. A recent report demonstrated that the acoustic noise generated by a shrimp originates from the collapse of a cavitation bubble. The recorded noise contains a broadband noise that consists of positive and negative pulses, but a model for single bubbles fails to reproduce the negative ones. Using a multibubble model we have shown that the negative pulses can be explained by considering the interaction of microbubbles formed after the cavitation bubble has collapsed: Positive pulses produced at the collapse of the microbubbles hit neighboring microbubbles to generate reflected pulses whose amplitudes are negative.
- 社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2009-09-12
- T0502-2-6 テッポウエビに学ぶキャビテーションノイズ発生法(マイクロ・ナノ領域におけるバイオ・熱流体の融合学術創成(2)マイクロ・ナノフルイズ)
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