1408 円管乱流中の粒子付着に関する研究(OS14-2 分散系混相流のダイナミクス,オーガナイズドセッション)
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The present study reports the mechanism of particle deposition onto a channel wall in numerically simulated turbulent pipe flows. Large eddy simulation of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations was performed to calculate the time-dependent turbulent flow field of continuous gas phase. The particles were placed at random initial locations in the pipe, assuming that the initial velocities in the lateral direction equaled to zero. The subsequent motion of particles was tracked individually using a simple Lagrangian equation. The particle relaxation time effect and particle concentration effect on the rate of particle deposition were investigated. Small particles were deposited onto the wall mainly due to the contribution of the lift force. Both the inertial and lift forces were of importance for the deposition of medium-sized particles. In the case of large particles, inertia acted as the resistance rather than the driving force of the deposition. Under high droplet concentration conditions, the turbulence modulation in the continuous gas phase is one of the primary causes of the reduction of the deposition mass transfer coefficient observed.
- 社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2009-11-06
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