ある下院議員の生涯 : エリザベス期「ピューリタン」ピーター・ウェントワースの再検討
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In the traditional view, Peter Wentworth, an Elizabethan MP, had been recognized as 'Puritan'. However, he has been increasingly seen as a lone and idiosyncratic figure in the revisionism. In this article, we examine mainly his 157O's parliamentary speech, and compare them with the other's. In conclusion, it was his accusation that queen was wrong which the other members could not tolerate, and Wentworth was by no means unique in striving for free speech. Therefore, though it is not clear whether he pushed his thought on to a revolutionary footing, it may be still correct to reappraise his contribution toward paving the way for constitutionalism in later ages.
- 2010-02-28
- ある下院議員の生涯 : エリザベス期「ピューリタン」ピーター・ウェントワースの再検討
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- 書評 Luis Montrose, The Subject of Elizabeth: Authority, Gender, and Representation, Chicago, 2006
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