- 論文の詳細を見る
In this paper the authors make catalogues of the insects collected in the Shido-Bunko, one of the institutes of Keio University, and some other libraries, and book-damaging insects recorded in the world. The species of these insects, their morphological and ecological characteristics and distribution are described in chapter I with their English and Latin names. The typical eaten marks or galleries made by them are in chapter II with 9 photographs (Fig. 11〜19). Their frass or faeces are in chapter III with 12 photographs (Fig. 20〜31). In chapter IV the authors state the protective methods against them as follows; When new buildings of libraries are constructed, ferro-concrete ones, all doors and windows of which are covered with fine mesh wire screening, are recommened because of the risk of a fire, insect and fungus damage. Book-shelves, cabinets and other furniture should preferably be made of such insect-proof material as steel. Timber used in libraries should be of insect-resistant species or properly treated to render it proof against insect and fungus attack. Air-conditioning and humidity control in libraries are important measures of protecting books from insect and fungus pests. The best ranges of temperature and humidity are 16〜18℃ and 40〜65% R. H.. Active carbon filters and electrostatic air ones incorporated in air-conditioning systems control dust as well as injurious organisms such as small insects, bacteria and fungi to a certain extent. Dusts on books should be periodically removed in order to research whether insect and fungus pests occur on them or not. The best way to keep books in a library free from these pest insects and micro- organisms is fumigating all newly contributed and purchased books with an effective and adequate fumigant. And so, it is essential to include in the building of library a properly constructed fumigation room or vacuum-chamber in which all books are treated on arrival. The fumigation room or apparatus should also be used for the urgent disinfection of books which have become accidentally infested with insect and fungus pests despite of strict surveillance by not a few librarians and their assistants. This rarely happens in air-conditioned libraries. A very large library-building can be fumigated by two methods: sealed fumigation and tarpaulin-covered one. In Japan various fumigants have been adopted for the extermination of pests in libraries, museums, and storehouses: carbon bisulphide CS_2, hydrocyanic acid HCN, hydrogen phosphide (Phostoxin) PH_3, chloropicrin CCl_3NO_2, methyl bromide CH_3Br, carbon tetrachloride CCl_4, ethylene dichloride CH_2Cl・CH_2Cl, ethylene dichloride, carbon tetrachloride and DDVP mixture (Centralfume), ethylene oxide (CH_2)_2O, ethylene dibromide CH_2Br-CH_2Br, Acrylonitrile (CH_2 : CHCN), D-D (1, 3-dichloropropene and 1, 2-dichloropropane), sulfuryl fluoride SO_2F_2. Among them methyl bromide and sulfuryl fluoride are excellent as a fumigant used in a library. The former can kill most insects in all stages (not only larvae, pupae, and adults but eggs) and does no damage to the majority of books in libraries except leather bindings and parchments, in which it may cause persistent mercaptan-like odors. In the case of methyl bromide fumigation sulfur-containing materials such as rubber, leather, animal hair, and iodized salt must be removed prior to the fumigation. When the liquid of it fails to be vaporized in the cold season and its splashes fall on such materials as papers, clothes, timbers, and tiles, they must be tenaciously stained. The latter is a trouble-free fumigant, but has a few weak points. The gas-leak of it cannot be detected by the Bailstein reaction. It can kill all insect life stages, but is much inferior to the former in the egg stage.
- 日本家屋害虫学会の論文
- 1979-09-11
新井 英夫
新井 英夫
森 八郎
町田 和江
Department Of Biology Keio University
森 八郎
Department of Biology, Keio University
- A-22 アンコール遺跡の劣化石材表面の硫黄酸化微生物(生理/増殖,(2)口頭発表会,研究発表会)
- PA-52 アンコール遺跡の劣化石材における微生物の計数および分離(生理/増殖,ポスターセッションA,ポスター発表)
- P-024 アンコール遺跡劣化石材に生息する硫黄酸化細菌の検出(物質循環,ポスター発表)
- 本邦産シロアリの分布について(生態・心理)
- タケ材の虫害と防除措置(薬剤)
- 残効性ピレスロイド剤のScreening tests : Permethrinのイエシロアに対する殺蟻効力試験(薬剤)
- 138 アズキゾウムシの繁殖に及ぼす^Coγ線照射の影響(昭和36年度日本農学会大会分科会)
- 314.木材の耐蟻性について
- 文化財建造物の微生物被害と対策 (特集 微生物は建築をほろぼす?) -- (建築のほろび方--そしてその救い方)
- 燻蒸設備
- 各種文化財等の糸状菌同定報告
- 黴(カビ)と光学機器
- 紙質類文化財の保存に関する微生物学的研究-9-人為的foxingの誘起
- 酸性紙の中和について-1-ジエチル亜鉛法の追試
- 302 光学機器の生物劣化に関する硫究 : (第2報)糸状菌の生育へのガラス組成の影響
- 301 光学機器の生物劣化に関する研究 : (第1報)光学機器に発生する糸状菌について
- コンクリ-ト壁体のガス透過性-2-シポレックスに対する燻蒸剤の挙動
- 新設博物館における生物学的問題(博物館)
- 斯道文庫など書庫内で採集された昆虫と書籍害虫のカタログならびにその代表的食痕・虫糞と防除法(書籍害虫)
- 残効性有機燐剤の殺虫効力に関する試験(薬剤)
- 415 斯道文庫など書庫内で採集された昆虫と書籍害虫ならびに代表的食痕と防除法(一般講演)
- 新燻蒸剤弗化サルフリル(Sulfuryl Fluoride)(第2報)(一般講演)
- X線写真によるヒラタキクイムシの生態観察法(ヒラタキクイムシ科)
- 163 国宝・重要文化財建造物のシロアリ被害の緊急調査
- 137 ^Coγ線のコクゾウ成虫に対する有効線量について(昭和36年度日本農学会大会分科会)
- 366 昆虫活動音の周波数について(昭和39年度日本農学会大会分科会)
- アメリカの侵入者! : アメリカカンザイシロアリIncisitermes minor (Hagen)(アメリカカンザイシロアリ,シロアリ)
- 殺虫塗料の効力試験(薬剤)
- DDVP樹脂蒸散防虫剤の金属・顔料・染料に及ぼす影響(薬剤)
- Tributyltin dithiocarbamateを有効成分として含有する一連の有機錫化合物の殺虫作用について(薬剤)
- わが国に生息するヒラタキクイムシ科Lyctidaeの害虫とヒラタキクイムシのMass cultureについて(ヒラタキクイムシ科)
- シロアリの忌避物質と殺蟻剤ならびにその防除対策 (生物防除対策と忌避への道)
- 家屋害虫最近の状況
- わが国に生息するヒラタキクイムシ科Lyctidaeの害虫1種ケブトヒラタキクイムシMinthea rugicollis Walker追記(ヒラタキクイムシ科)
- 3 新燻蒸剤弗化サルフリル (Sulfuryl Fluoride)
- 332. ChemosterilantとしてのTributyltin系化合物について
- 422 速効性の有機錫新殺虫剤(昆虫毒物学, 昭和44年度 日本農学会大会分科会)
- 236 有機錫の殺虫作用について(殺虫剤毒物学・薬剤防除, 昭和41年度日本農学会大会分科会)
- 90 ヒラタキクイムシ被害の最近の傾向と防除対策(昭和37年度日本農学会大会分科会)
- 最近のシロアリ被害と防除対策
- 39 害虫探知器について(昭和33年度日本農学会大会分科会)