pedagogical content knowledgeの特質と意義
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The author examines the features of pedagogical content knowledge (pck) and its implications. Pck was first contrived by L. S. Shulman. He was indicated pck as very important knowledge among teacher knowledge base. Pck is combined knowledge, including knowledge of content, pedagogy and knowledge of the learner's conceptions and preconceptions, including misconceptions. And pck is invented by teacher who will teach some topics. Pck is producted through the process of pedagogical reasoning (pr). Shulman especially emphasized transformation in that process. Transformation is constituted by four process, preparation, representation, selection and adaptation & tailoring to student characteristics. The features of pck is as follows. (1) pck is amalgam of some knowledge (2) pck is producted through pr which is the problem-solved process (3) pck is special forms of teacher knowledge which indicates the features of professional aspects of teaching The implication of pck from point of teacher education, is the next two points. (1) pck points out the importance of the courses of content and method (2) pck indicates the needs of means for 'apprenticeship of observation' formed before entering the teacher education program The contents are as follows. 1. Introduction 2 . Shulman's pck and its formation process 3. The evolution of the study of pck 4. The features of pck 5. Conclusion
- 1996-03-31
- pedagogical content knowledgeの特質と意義
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