10205 非同列・非等長の複数き裂における応力拡大係数・相互干渉係数の近似表示(強度特性と評価,一般講演)
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It is important to know the stress intensity factor (SIF) interactions for two non-aligned unequal elastic cracks in order to determine the toughness ratio K,. as the ordinate in the FAD. Although the numerical values of the SIF solution for two non-aligned cracks are available in some configurations from the reference literatures, there are no approximation expressions for the interaction factors for two non-aligned elastic cracks. In this paper, the SIFs for two non-aligned unequal through-wall cracks under remote tension in an infinite elastic plate are solved with the aid of the body force method and approximation expressions for interaction factors are proposed. Using the proposed expressions, contours of stress intensity factor interaction are plotted. Based on the results, the condition in which the interaction of mutual cracks can be neglected is proposed.
- 2009-03-05
- 707 減肉欠陥を有するエルボー管における塑性崩壊条件に関する研究(材料強度と構造設計,オーガナイズドセッション)
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- 10205 非同列・非等長の複数き裂における応力拡大係数・相互干渉係数の近似表示(強度特性と評価,一般講演)
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