A113 日本機械学会火力設備配管減肉管理技術規格の概要(配管減肉規格・技術戦略マップ,OS-6 保全・設備診断技術(2),一般講演,地球温暖化防止と動力エネルギー技術)
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The first edition of the JSME rules on pipe wall thinning management for thermal power generation facilities (JSME S TB1-2006) was issued in March 2006, and its latest edition was issued in September 2007, which describes the technical requirements to meet the JSME performance-based rules for pipe wall thinning management (JSME S CA-1 2005). The latest JSME rules describe the specific requirements for the inspection of piping system that are susceptible to the wall thinning damage based on the analyses of 24,774 inspection data obtained at the thermal power plant in Japan. This paper presents outline of the latest JSME rules including basic philosophy and technical requirements on the inspection and testing practices.
- 社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2008-06-18
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