- 論文の詳細を見る
It has been doing the design education of the 3D-CAD base in TMCT from the past. As for the practice which processes a machine based on this data, it is impossible to operate a machine and to practice in the processing for student all the members by the lack of the mechanical number and the technical occupation member.Therefore, it arranged the environment to experience by the simulation on the computer in the form which is near the actual operation and for it to be able to be learned. It is thinking of introducing the machine simulation that the plan at the machine tool, the process to the processing can be realistically experienced from the NC data creating and making up the shortage of the practice education. This time, it introduces the machine simulation system which was introduced in this year main school and it wants to attempt to describe a utilization view for the education of the future.
- 東京都立産業技術高等専門学校の論文
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- 3次元CADを活用したデザイン教育の試み
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- 3次元CADの設計教育からデザイン教育への拡張
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- 3次元CADを利用した創造設計教育