男女共同参画社会における父親の家庭役割 : 家庭科教科書の分析を通して
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This study aims to analyze how parental roles identified in home economics textbooks foster greater gender-equality in Japanese society. In order to understand the history of fostering gender-equality in Japanese society, I examined international treaties and institutional policies. How are paternal roles represented in educational policies and home economics textbooks? My research indicates that the international treaties identifying paternal roles have had an impact on institutional policies in Japanese society. The international treaties stressed the importance of developing a gender-equal consciousness, at the same time, fathers are expected to share childcare responsibilities in Japanese institutional policies. Results also indicate that being influenced by the international treaties, home economics education presented fathers as active participants in housework and childcare before the creation of gender-equality policy in Japan. In addition, the international treaties had an impact on educational policies in Japan. As a result, educational policies presented fathers as active participants in housework and childcare. These policies, however, still portray fathers in traditional gender roles contradicting Japanese institutional policies. Home economics education has been influenced by institutional and educational policies, and has been creating and developing new father's models since 1994.
- 日本家庭科教育学会の論文
- 2009-04-01
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