- 論文の詳細を見る
The comb structure between cleats in adjoining steps is one of the safety features in escalators. It prevents the biting of shoes, hands and feet between adjoining steps. This comb structure is between the riser cleat in the upper side step and the demarcation comb in the lower side step. Now, the depth of overlap of the comb structure in the upper side of the riser is gradually reduced over that in the lower side of the riser to make for easy exit when shoes, hands or feet are bitten between steps. This method greatly contributes to the prevention of nasty accidents. On the other hand, this ease in exit also makes it easier to be bitten in the upper side of the riser. Therefore, as one idea, safety improvement by making it more difficult to be bitten by deepening the engaging in the upper side of the riser is a likely area for study. In this paper, the riser cleat shape and step composition are examined with the view that "it should not ever be easy for shoes to be bitten between steps". As a result, if you follow this view, the overlap depth should be enlarged in the upper side of the riser.
- 2010-08-25
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