- 論文の詳細を見る
The vibration characteristics of the fuel assembly for the advanced thermal reactor FUGEN are presented. They are obtained through fundamental vibration test, forced vibration test and the seismic vibration test simulating EL-CENTRO and TAFT earthquake. An electro-magnetic type vibration testing machine is used for experiments. The fuel assembly unit consists of the pressure tube, the collecting mechanism and the fuel assembly of 28 fuel rods incorporated with dummy fuel pellets. The fuel assembly is supported axially on the shield plug at bottom connecting by collet mechanism, and laterally contacted to the pressure tube through piston ring springs of the upper and lower fuel tie plates. A seismic simulation code is developed for seismic analysis based on the time history method. Calculated values are compared with those observed in experiments. Main results are summarized as follows. (1) The fundamental vibration test indicates that the rigidity and the damping ratio of the fuel assembly are not constant but depend on the deflection of the fuel assembly, and that the spring constant and the coefficient of spacer are also not constant but depend on the impact force due to the relative motion to the pressure tube. (2) The agreement is good enough between calculated response curves of the relative displacement and velocity of the fuel and those observed in expements. The calculated maximum value of acceleration agrees well with the measured value. As a result, the seismic simulation calculation is found to be accurate enough to the practical usage for the fuel safety analysis. (3) In the calculation in which the non-linear form based on the measured value is adopted for damping ratio of the fuel assembly and spring constants of spacers, we have found that calculated response curves become close to experiments.
- 独立行政法人 海上技術安全研究所の論文
- 1983-05-31
吉村 富雄
横村 武宣
岡島 正彦
Carnegie-Mellon Univ. Department of Mechanical Engineering
林 清純
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