水潤滑における合成樹脂軸受の摩擦,摩耗特性の研究 : 小型船尾管軸受の低回転域特性について
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Lignumvitae has been used as the material for sterntube bearings. However, because of the shortage of its natural resources, lignumvitae becomes substituted by another new materials. White metal bearing has a good performance for the large sterntube bearings of the high bearing load, but it needs a perfect oil seal. On the other hand, the sterntube bearings of small ships should be free from the maintenance and oil discharge to the coastal sea. Hence, many kinds of synthetic resins, including phenol resin and so on, are developed recently as the materials for the small sterntube bearings under water lubrication. However, the practical experience of using the resins on board is short, and a seizure on the sliding surface of the bearing sometimes occurs. In the present paper, the frictional behaviors of the small sterntube bearings were investigated experimentally in the case of low sliding velocity, when the seizure is easy to occur. The frictional coefficient was measured on five kinds of the synthetic resins, and the wear was studied on a few of them. The following results are obtained from the experiment. (1) The frictional coefficient μ is expressed by bearing pressure P, sliding velocity V and experimental constants C_1, C_2, m, n, q_0/(D×L), as shown in the next equations. [numerical formula] (2) The wear of synthetic resins, sliding at the low velocity on the stainless steel disk, increases generally under water lubrication as compared with that at dry condition.
- 独立行政法人 海上技術安全研究所の論文
- 1981-01-31
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