- 論文の詳細を見る
The investigation on a ship acting at frozen sea was made on ice-breaker FUJI in 17th Antarctic Reseach Expedition. While observation on circumstances of frozen sea and on ice-breaking actions of the ship were made as a matter of course, main purpose of the investigation at the time was to clear up the conditions of marine engine, especially propeller shaft load during its opearating at the ice sea. In consequence of the investigation, the following interesting matters are recognized on the engine and shafting. 1. When the ship is breaking hard ice, the measured values of propeller shaft torque distribute along the calculated line of bollard torque. 2. When the propeller blade touches with an ice block, an elevated peak torque and tortional vibrations are observed on the propeller shaft for an instant in two seconds or less. However there occur no cases to meet with such originally presumed load characteristics which would be caused by holding the ice block that the propeller is gradually restricted to rotate. 3. The Diesel engines are driven under the conditions of hard load fluctuation from about 70% load rating to M.C.R., due to repeated charging action of the ship at hard frozen area. In case of selecting main Diesel engines of ice-breaker, a sufficient margin of engine power should be taken into consideration in order to keep ther reliability, because they must be exposed to sever thermal load under the such conditions as mentiond above.
- 独立行政法人 海上技術安全研究所の論文
- 1977-05-01
- 38 舶用タービン減速用遊星歯車装置の開発について(昭和45年学協会刊行物掲載論文再録集)
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- タイトル無し
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