- 論文の詳細を見る
The FRP laying-up of matting-in connection forming T-type is to be secondary bonds depending on the reinforcement each other. These matting-in angled are simplified by built-in I-beams formed flange and web, and thickness of web and width of fillet-leg are varied. The results obtained from these experiments can be summerized as follows: (1) The dimensional offect on a leg of fillet depends on σ_m/σ_0 (stress diminution factor). Where σ_0 gives maximum bending stress at the top of flanges in the solid I-beam, and σ_m gives decrease of stress owing to adherent matting-in angles. The values 0.4〜0.6 of this factor σ_m/σ_0 are suitable and conditions are obtained in 0.5〜0.6 of the factor a/(h_1/2). Where a represents the leg of fillet and h_1 is effective web height. σ_m becomes excessive in case of below 0.5, and σ_m decreases, in above 0.7, but these are not of practical use. (2) It is proved that the legs of fillets are to be reasonable dimensions when they are 35〜50 millimetres.
- 独立行政法人 海上技術安全研究所の論文
- 1972-09-30
- 艇内操作式救命艇揚御装置
- タンカー用救命艇の研究
- 超音波探傷によるFRP材の非破壊試験(昭和50年学協会刊行物掲載論文再録集)
- 10.FRP材の曲げ疲労について(第1報)
- 2 表面材にFRP,心材に2,3の材料を用いたサンドイッチ構造の強度特性(昭和48年学協会刊行物掲載論文再録集)
- FRP積層T型継手における隅肉の有効性