- 論文の詳細を見る
An in-reactor experimental research on light water reactor fuel behavior under reactivity initiated accident conditions is in progress in the Nuclear Safety Research Reactor (NSRR). Fretting corroded cladding fuel rod test has been performed as a part of the defective fuel rod test series in the NSRR experiments. The threshold energy for fuel failure, its mechanism, and failure consequences of the fuel rod with such defected cladding were compared with those of the intact standard cladding fuel rod. Following are the primary results. 1) The fuel rods with small fretting defect exhibit a behavior typical of the standard cladding fuel rod. In the case of severely defected rods, however, the fuel failure threshold energy is shightly lower. 2) For }he fretting corroded cladding fuel rod, violent failure accompanied with capsule pressure generation and mechanical energy production occurs at lower energy deposition than for the standard cladding fuel rod. 3) In case of pre-pressurized fuel rods with initial internal pressure of 12kg/cm^2・g, the failure threshold energy for fretting corroded cladding fuel rod is lower than that for the standard cladding fuel rod. The time to rupture from pulsing is shorter in the former, and no large ballooning is observed.
- 独立行政法人 海上技術安全研究所の論文
- 1980-09-30
吉村 富雄
石川 迪夫
石川 迪夫
落合 政昭
吉村 富雄
落合 政昭
石川 迪夫
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