- 論文の詳細を見る
Results of a seakeeping test on a container ship "America-maru" of Mitsui O. S. K. Lines Ltd. on the North Pacific Ocean are reported. The test was planned according to the ten-years' plan on the ship tests of the Ship Research Institute and as a collaborational investigation with the Shipbuilding Research Association of Japan. Pitch, roll, yaw, rudder angle, vertical and lateral accelerations at F. P. and longitudinal acceleration at the navigation bridge were measured and recorded on a Magnetic Data Recorder and on a "Visigraph" recorder. Weather, atmospheric pressure, visibility, air and sea water temperatures, humidity, wind direction and the Beaufort scale, directions and scales of wave and swell, position of the ship, main engine revolution, super charger revolution, fuel handle notch, governor index and fuel oil consumption are rerecorded from ship's log book. Compass course, relative wind direction and speed, ship speed, brake horsepower, auto-pilot adjust, rudder angle and roll angle were read from the indicators of the ship. Period, height and encounter angle of swell, height and encounter angle of wave, shipping water, slamming, shock or shudder, propeller racing, changing course and speed, damage of hull and containers and seasickness were recorded based on the visual observations. The measurements were carried out three times a day, each lasting 20minutes until 7:50, 11:50 and 15:50. A comparative test upon the action of anti-rolling tank were once carried out. The results of the measurements are graphically shown in the form of daily variation. Each once in the outward and homeward voyages, a rough sea state were encountered. The maximum amplitudes of pitch and roll were 5.0° and 15° respectively, and that of the vertical acceleration attained to 0.75g. The ship meets mostly following or quartering seas in the outward voyage, and head or bow seas homeward. In the latter condition, two-nodal vibration were often experienced. The indication of the ship's clinometer proved to be bigger than the actual one. The real inclination seems to be 60 to 80 percent of the indicated value.
- 独立行政法人 海上技術安全研究所の論文
- 1971-03-31
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- 操縦運動の数学モデルについて(運動性能部,所外発表論文等概要)
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- 外洋フェリーの運動性能に関する研究 : (第2報)フィンスタビライザーの効果及び実船の横揺特性に関する実船試験
- 9. 実船の耐航性実験のデータ解析プログラム(船舶技術研究所で開発された電子計算機プログラムの概要-第3集-)
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- SRI・aプロペラの諸特性および設計図表