- 論文の詳細を見る
Titanium is a suitable material for hull structures because of its high specific strength and high corrosion resistance in marine environment. Recently titanium was used for the structural members of a fishing boat, because its structural standard is not strict. However, there is no application of titanium for merchant and government ships. Additionally, there is little research concerned with the buckling strength or the fatigue strength of titanium. By the way, aluminium alloy is applied for new types of light weighted high-speed ships. There have been much outcome about the strength of aluminium alloy, and authors also studied experimentally the buckling strength of pi-sections and hollow sections. As a result, it was turned out that the buckling strength of the stiffened plates made of aluminium alloy was reduced by the formation of the softened zone by welding. In this study, it is a purpose to confirm the advantage of application of titanium for the hull structures. Therefore, the buckling strength of titanium stiffened plates and the distribution of the residual stress of deck plate and stiffeners were studied experimentally. Four types of stiffened plate model with three spans and three bays were provided for compressive collapse tests. As a basis of the test results, the simplified analysis for evaluating the ultimate strength was suggested. All the models collapsed in overall bucking mode. That is, the torsional rigidity of stiffeners was excess and the ratio of rigidity between deck plates and stiffeners were not appropriate. If the ratio of rigidity is more effective, the increase of the ultimate compressive stress is expected. Moreover, the ultimate strength from the buckling tests was in good agreement with that of the simplified analyses and the FEM analyses. According to the results above mentioned, the maximum compressive stress of titanium stiffened plates is much higher than that of aluminium alloys and the superiority of titanium was shown.
- 独立行政法人 海上技術安全研究所の論文
- 2003-09-26
田中 義照
佐久間 正明
安藤 孝弘
松岡 一祥
岩田 知明
松岡 一祥
松岡 一祥
岩田 知明
松岡 一祥
独立行政法人 海上技術安全研究所
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- 析出強化型材料の耐食性に及ぼす微細構造の影響に関する基礎的研究
- 86 タールエポキシ塗膜の海水浸漬試験(セッションテーマ:材料の寿命・劣化)
- 77 FRP廃船のセメント燃料へのリサイクルの試み(セッションテーマ:FRP等の材料)
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- 2008S-OS4-3 沈船からの油流出発生について : (1)腐食率推定と沈船強度の経年劣化(オーガナイズドセッション(OS4):油流出事故の対応に関する研究)
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- スラミングを受ける船首部の縦強度(構造強度部,所外発表論文等概要)
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- 82 疲労き裂発生寿命に及ぼす荷重履歴の影響の評価法(セッションテーマ:材料の寿命・劣化)
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- 79 FRP船の劣化診断技術の検討(セッションテーマ:FRP等の材料)
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- 17 高速域における船舶の波浪衝撃水圧簡易計算法の検証(セッションテーマ:船舶の安全)
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- 63 船体構造解析システムの構築と構造計算の迅速化(ポスターセッション,セッションテーマ:流体抵抗低減)
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- III 船体の寿命評価手法について : 特に船体の疲労及び腐食に関する評価
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- 特集号「海上技術安全研究所の国際活動の推進」について
- 塗料の低VOC化による塗装性能の向上効果