- 論文の詳細を見る
Authors proposed a simplified method to estimate three-dimensional impact pressures on vessels in waves in a paper, in which comparison between the method and Chuang's three dimensional water impact test were carried out. The results showed fairly good agreements between the estimates and the experimental data in general, but they showed large discrepancy in very high advancing speed region. Investigation was carried out to clarify the cause of the discrepancy in very high-speed region. Following two causes were considered, effects of performance of the measurement system for high-frequency phenomenon and effects of elastic behavior of an experimental device. The investigation showed that the performance of the measurement system is high enough for planing phenomenon. As for the elastic behavior of the experimental device, the effects of flexural deformation of the supporting rod, which connects the model with drop gear assembly and keeps the trim angle constant, must be taken into consideration. The elastic deformation of the rod induced by a large impact load might cause the rotation of the model, and might reduce the vertical velocity at the stern of the model. Numerical simulation of the three-dimensional drop test was carried out taking the effects of the elastic deformation of the supporting rod into consideration. Results of the simulation showed that larger the speed of advance, larger the decrease of vertical velocity at the stern, and that it is also affected by vertical drop height. Though Chuang uses vertical velocities measured at the mid-ship of the model, velocities at the stern of the model are the actual velocities of pressure sensors. Pressures corresponding to Chuang's three-dimensional drop test were estimated using impact velocities at the sensor obtained by the simulation, showed very good agreements with the Chuang's experimental results. It means that the proposed method to estimate three-dimensional impact pressures on vessels in waves is verified with Chuang's three-dimensional drop tests, which covers the advancing speed range from minus speed to very high speed.
- 社団法人日本船舶海洋工学会の論文
- 2002-03-20
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