活魚運搬船に関する基礎的研究(II) : 活魚水槽内の流れ
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Generally in a large live fish carrier, water exchange in a live fish tank is one of the most popular ways to supply underwater oxygen. This research is aiming to produce sufficiently optimal velocity distribution of the water in the fish tank. For this purpose, at first, we measured velocity distributions in the real live fish tank of the carrier. We measured them mainly in the 4th tank of port side while a large live fish carrier "No.38-SUMIHOU-MARU (gross tonnage 402t)" was cruising at average speed 11 knots. The measured values of fluid speed were from 31 to 197mm/sec (average speed was 70mm/sec). Furthermore we made a model tank which consisted of 3 parts in an inflow tank, an outflow tank and a main tank, and this tank was devised so as to keep constant inflow and outflow volumes continuously as a real fish carrier. By changing the positions of the inflow and outflow holes and various shapes of inflow regulators, we analyzed the flow field in the tank by the flow visualization technique using the pigment flow pulse method. As results, we find that a good water exchange condition is realized when the inflow is taken in from the holes at four corners of the tank bottom. Though we tried several attempts, it was difficult to get rid of dead water region completely.
- 社団法人日本船舶海洋工学会の論文
- 1995-09-04
中山 博
上田 耕平
上田 耕平
尾辻 勝洋
黒木 祐幸
宮本 和晃
上田 耕平
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- 活魚運搬船に関する基礎的研究(II) : 活魚水槽内の流れ
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