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This paper presents an Idealized Structural Unit for predicting the bending collapse behavior of tubular members and systems with circumferential through-thickness cracks. Ductile crack growth is taken into account using CTOD and CTOA as fracture parameters which rule the initiation and continuation of the crack growth, respectively. The tangential stiffness matrix of a cracked member before reaching the ultimate bending capacity of cracked section is evaluated by introducing the elastoplastic compliance due to the presence of the crack into the node of beam elements. The stiffness formulation after the ultimate strength of cracked section is based on the plastic node method. An elastoperfectly plastic material is assumed and the values of CTOD and CTOA are evaluated based on Sanders' plane-stress solutions. The results are compared with those of the finite element shell analysis and some existing experimental results, and the rationality and effectiveness of the proposed method are demonstrated.
- 社団法人日本船舶海洋工学会の論文
- 1991-09-04
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