地震津波発生前の海鳴と空振 : 沿岸海洋波の生成理論(53)
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Rumbling of sea and sound of air are heard before the tidal wave occurs. These precursory phenomea are to be observed before 164.4 days and 303.4 days. These values are composed of the tidal periods of 28.00 days, 35.00 days and 29.53 days. When the original time of the earth-quake approches, tremor of 10min 17.1sec, and sound wave of 306.07m/sec or water wave of 1480.31m/sec grow simultaneously. When the orginal time of earth-quake approches, seismic flux of 1892.08m/sec tells us the possibility of exsistence of glycerinic oily layer in the earth crust.
- 1990-03-15
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