重度・重複障害教育における教師の専門性 : 教職経験と教育課程の影響に着目して
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The purposes of present study were to analyze the teachers' professionalism in the education of children with severe and multiple disabilities, and to determine effects of teaching experience in special education and curriculum organization on teachers' perception of their professionalism. A teachers' professionalism questionnaire was developed and administered to 361 teachers in special schools for children with physical disabilities. Exploratory factor analysis revealed a 5-factor solution, in which the factors were professional knowledge and skills, understanding of performance, collaboration-based teaching, enthusiasm for education, and children's health care. A 2-way ANOVA pinpointed the 2 main trends. First, all aspects of teachers' professionalism except for "enthusiasm for education" increased with years of experience. Second, teachers in charge of a curriculum aimed at training for independent living (Jiritsu-katsudo centered curriculum) had significantly less "understanding of performance" than did teachers of a curriculum designed for children with intellectual disabilities (intellectual disabilities curriculum).
- 2010-03-31
任 龍在
Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba
安藤 隆男
Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba
安藤 隆男
安藤 隆男
Graduate School Of Comprehensive Human Sciences University Of Tsukuba
任 龍在
Graduate School Of Comprehensive Human Sciences University Of Tsukuba
- 重度・重複障害教育における教師の専門性 : 教職経験と教育課程の影響に着目して
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- 1026 肢体不自由児のイメージについて(1)(視覚障害・肢体不自由・重度重複障害,障害3,障害)
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- 肢体不自由児の統合保育・教育について
- 246 障害児の統合保育についてIII : 幼児教育・保育専攻学生と教員養成学部学生の意識の比較
- 245 障害児の統合保育についてII : 幼児教育・保育専攻学生の意識
- 270 障害児の統合保育について I
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