Image Analysis with the Brain Easy Analysis Tool (BEAT) Method in Cases of Encephalomalacia Following Shaken Baby Syndrome
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Brain easy analysis tool( BEAT) is newly released software to calculate composite images both MRI andSPECT on computer graphics. At first, we herein report two cases with shaken baby syndrome associatedwith multicystic encephalomalasia diagnosed based on MRI. Next, we created fusion MRI-SPECT imagesusing BEAT. The result of composited images was not only well recognized in anatomical visually but alsoeasy to explain data to patients. This report is the second case report with this software called BEAT.
- 2010-07-25
George Imataka
Department of Pediatrics 1, Neurosurgery 2 and Radiology 3,Dokkyo Medical University School of Medic
Yoshiyuki Watabe
Department of Pediatrics 1, Neurosurgery 2 and Radiology 3,Dokkyo Medical University School of Medic
Shigeko Kuwashima
Department of Pediatrics 1, Neurosurgery 2 and Radiology 3,Dokkyo Medical University School of Medic
Teisuke Hashimoto
Department of Pediatrics 1, Neurosurgery 2 and Radiology 3,Dokkyo Medical University School of Medic
Osamu Arisaka
Department of Pediatrics 1, Neurosurgery 2 and Radiology 3,Dokkyo Medical University School of Medic
Keiko Tsukada
Department of Pediatrics1 and Rediology2, Dokkyo Medical University School of Medicine
Keiko Tsukada
Department Of Pediatrics1 And Rediology2 Dokkyo Medical University School Of Medicine
Imataka George
獨協医科大学 医学部小児科
George Imataka
Department Of Pediatrics1 And Rediology2 Dokkyo Medical University School Of Medicine
George Imataka
Department Of Pediatrics 1 Neurosurgery 2 And Radiology 3 Dokkyo Medical University School Of Medici
Osamu Arisaka
Department Of Pediatrics1 And Rediology2 Dokkyo Medical University School Of Medicine
Osamu Arisaka
Department Of Pediatrics 1 Neurosurgery 2 And Radiology 3 Dokkyo Medical University School Of Medici
Arisaka Osamu
獨協医科大学 医学部小児科
Shigeko Kuwashima
Department Of Pediatrics1 And Rediology2 Dokkyo Medical University School Of Medicine
Yoshiyuki Watabe
Department Of Pediatrics 1 Neurosurgery 2 And Radiology 3 Dokkyo Medical University School Of Medici
Shigeko Kuwashima
Department Of Pediatrics 1 Neurosurgery 2 And Radiology 3 Dokkyo Medical University School Of Medici
Kuwashima Shigeko
Department Of Radiology Dokkyo Medical University Tochigi
Imataka George
Department Of Pediatrics 1 Neurosurgery 2 And Radiology 3 Dokkyo Medical University School Of Medici
Osamu Arisaka
Department Of Pediatrics 1 Neurosurgery 2 And Radiology 3 Dokkyo Medical University School Of Medici
Hashimoto Teisuke
Department Of Radiology Dokkyo Medical University
Teisuke Hashimoto
Department Of Pediatrics1 And Rediology2 Dokkyo Medical University School Of Medicine
Teisuke Hashimoto
Department Of Pediatrics 1 Neurosurgery 2 And Radiology 3 Dokkyo Medical University School Of Medici
Watabe Yoshiyuki
Department Of Pediatrics Dokkyo Medical University
Keiko Tsukada
Department Of Pediatrics Dokkyo Medical University School Of Medicine
Arisaka Osamu
Department of Pediatrics ,Dokkyo Medical University School of Medicine
Kuwashima Shigeko
Department of Radiology , Dokkyo Medical University School of Medicine
Kuwashima Shigeko
Department of Radiology, Dokkyo Medical University School of Medicine
Tsukada Keiko
Department of Pediatrics, Dokkyo Medical University School of Medicine
Imataka George
Department of Pediatrics ,Dokkyo Medical University School of Medicine
Hashimoto Teisuke
Department of Radiology, Dokkyo Medical University School of Medicine
Tsukada Keiko
Department of Pediatrics, Dokkyo Medical University
Watabe Yoshiyuki
Department of Hydrocarbon Chemistry and Division of Molecular Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
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