ベネズェラに蝶を求めて5万キロ : その3.採集トリックさまざま 特にバナナの練り餌
- 論文の詳細を見る
Part I. A Guide to Good Places (Yadoriga No.67: 3-12, 1971). Introductory description of the geographical and biological outlines was given concerning the main butterfly-collecting places in Venezuela; El Tucuco, Los Andes (mainly Barinitas), the vicinity of Caracas (Altamira-Guigue, Rancho Grande, Cortada de Guayabo, Altos de Pipe, Caracas, Caraballeda and El Guapo), Caripe area (Caripe, Caripito and Cumanacoa), Territorio Federal Delta Amacuro (Tucupita and Curiapo) and Guayana (El Pao, Canaima and Km 85 de El Dorado). Part II. Attracting Ithomiinae with a herb "Rabo de Alacran" in the Vicinity of Caracas (Yadoriga No.68: 17-26, 1971). Method and experience of collecting Ithomiinae with "Rabo de Alacran" (heliotrope) in the vicinity of Caracas (Altos de Pipe, Rancho Grande, Altamira-Guigue and El Guapo) were described. Preliminary classification of the specimens (42 species of total 4667), obtained during the same period (10 December 1969〜26 February 1970) was presented in Table 1 (p.25). Part III. Various Tricks for Collecting, especially concerning Banana Bait (Yadoriga No.69: 18-29, 1972). Various tricks for butterfly-collecting applicable to different genera and species were described. A device of permanent trap with banana bait was illustrated in Fig.3 (p.22). Preliminary classification of the specimens obtained with the permanent trap in the Altos de Pipe (Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Cientificas; IVIC) for two years (January 1967〜December 1968) was presented in Table 1 (p.24), and the numbers obtained thus were correlated in Fig.5 (p.25) with the average monthly meteological data through 5 years from January 1964 to December 1968 (given by courtesy of Dr. J. Solanas; Head, Departamento de Radiofisica Sanitaria, IVIC). The anthor is indebted to Drs. F. Fernandez-Yepez (Maracay, Venezuela) and K.S. Brown, Jr. (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) for their help in the identification of the specimens collected, and Mr. and Mrs. A. Gadou (Caracas) and my wife Yuriko for their help and suggestion in the collecting trips.
- 日本鱗翅学会の論文
- 1972-04-30
日本鱗翅学会 | 論文
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- 日本鱗翅学会60年史(上) : 1945(昭和20年)〜1966(昭和41年)
- 緒方さんの思い出(緒方正美先生追悼特集)
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