- 論文の詳細を見る
A hydrogeological model was established based on the derived geological and hydrogeological data in each progress of the underground LPG storage construction at Namikata, Ehime Prefecture. In the modeling process, the formation of the geological structures was discussed from micro to macro-scaled viewpoints to delimit each geological zone. For each geological zone, the predominant orientation of the fractures was discussed to extract the anisotropy of hydraulic conductivity for hydrogeological modeling by geostatistical sequential indicator simulation (SIS) method. As the result, the established 3-dimentional hydrogeological model has been achieved to represent the hydraulic behaviors, and its applicability has been verified.
- 2010-04-01
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- 施工技術 地下150mにLPG岩盤貯槽を建設--波方国家石油ガス備蓄基地 (特集 資源土木--エネルギー開発に挑む)
- LPG岩盤貯槽掘削における情報化施工--波方国家石油ガス備蓄基地 (特集 観測施工とその情報活用)
- わが国初のLPG備蓄岩盤タンクの建設 : 波方国家石油ガス備蓄基地