朝鮮総督府による神社・神祠の増設政策(中編) : 一面一神社・神祠設置方針を中心に
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In 1936, the Japanese Government-General of Korea reorganized the colony's shrine system. This reorganization was carried out for two purposes : first, to promote some of the main shrines to the status of Kokuhei-shosha (国幣小社), which ranked sixth among nationally-supported shrines ; and second, to increase the overall number of shrines (神社・神祠) as a way of mobilizing Korean people to carry out the Government-General's policies. In this paper I examine principally the second of those two purposes. By analyzing the Government-General's principle of having one shrine in each myeon (面), I seek to clarify the process through which that policy was formed.
- 2009-12-22
- 朝鮮総督府による神社・神祠の増設政策(中編) : 一面一神社・神祠設置方針を中心に
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