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Jyagoshi-ike moor is lacated in the vicinity of the coast in Imabari City, Ehime Pref. The moor vetetation was studied by the Broun-Blanquet approach. As the result, the following five communities are classified : 1. Coix lacryma-jobi community, 2. Solidago altissima-Miscanthus sinensis community, 3. Phragmites australis community, 4. typical community (This community is classified into Arthraxon hispidus group, Rhynchospora fujiiana group and Machaerina rubiginosa group), 5. Scirpus tabernaemontani community. It seems that the typical community-Rhynchospora fujiiana group, identified by the existence of Rhynchospora fujiiana, Eriocaulon decemflofa, Habenaria radiate etc. is original moor vegetation. The moor has narrowed because of expansion of phrgmaites australis community.
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