旅籠 Tabard の主人の「誓言」 : Chaucer 時代のロンドン市民 Herry Bailly の場合(林 陸雄教授退任記念号)
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Modern films and television dramas give us many occasions to hear a wide range of ` oaths', from formal to casual, and from graceful to obscene. Sometimes a mere oath can play a very dignified part. For example, it was not until Mr Barack Obama finished the ceremony of `The Oath of Office of the President of the United States" that he was legally approved as the new President. This oath is a superbly formal one. On the other hand, we are not shocked to hear something like " Damn it", which is a foul oath, because much filthier ones may commonly be heard. If we were able to leap back into Chaucer's age, or into Shakespeare's time, we could have had even more opportunities to hear various kinds of oath. People in those days seem to have been to be so indulgent toward oaths that they swore freely, and oaths became so widespread among the common people that an official Act of censorship, `An Act to Restrain Abuses of Players', was applied to plays. In Chaucer's age, there were some people who carefully kept from saying oaths; the noble class and religious people. Although the upper class blamed the ordinary people for uttering oaths, those people seem to have to ignored them, frequently ` swearing' in terms like " by my faith", or " by God". This paper concentrates on one of the most important characters of Chaucer' s The Canterbury Tales, the innkeeper, who was the representative of the common people and who often swore whenever he found chances to do so. A thoroughgoing study of the swear-words that the innkeeper used not only shows what his social class thought of God, the saints, and other things, but also reveals some links to the wealth of oaths that existed in Shakespeare's time and in the present day.
- 2010-03-25
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