P-123 加圧熱水処理型ジェットミルによるセルロース系バイオマス資源の連続粉砕(ポスター1,ポスター発表)
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We developed the pre-processing method to produce bio ethanol efficiently using the enzymatic hydrolysis from the cellulose type biomass resource that doesn't compete with the food and so on. This developed way is the one that does the milling and hot high-pressure processing of the cellulose by the continued single process. This processes improvement was achieved by heating the part of the plumbing, using a high-pressure levitated machine (the wet fluid-energy-mill). This processes used for the crystal-induced cellulose (CEOLUS TG (Asahi Chemical Industry Co., Ltd.)), which doesn't contain lignin. Under the heating condition of 180℃, samples were milled and became the fiber-form. It made these samples enzymatic hydrolysis react. CEOLUS TG processed at 180℃ was depredated about quintuple compared with the unprocessed sample.
- 2010-01-20
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