ラボラトリー・メソッドによる体験学習が進路選択セルフ・エフィカシー向上に及ぼす効果 : ラボラトリー・メソッドによる体験学習を導入したR大学の「人材開発論」での事例研究
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According to numerous reports, enhancing career decision-making self-efficacy (CDMSE) is concerned with reducing the problem of career indecision of undergraduates. However research in this area is currently very limited. What I wish to show in this paper is to indicate a proposed method in order to enhance CDMSE based on experimental learning by laboratory method. Social skills (SS) was found to be the most important factor in enhancing CDMSE based upon reports on the NEET (Not in education, employment or training) problem in Japan. A survey conducted upon undergraduates of R University was used to investigate the relationship between CDMSE and SS (KiSS-18). The correlation coefficient was 0.691 (p<0.001, n=385). According to this result, since experimental learning in the laboratory is a way to improve SS, the learning method would be also one way to enhance CDMSE. A panel survey was conducted at the first and last lectures in the "Talent Development Theories at R University" series. This survey confirmed the effect (n=33). In this paper, this case is introduced and discussed.
- 2009-12-31
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