心拍変動1/fゆらぎの特性に関する研究 : 第1報 加齢の影響と自律神経指標との関係
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We investigated whether 1/f fluctuations in heart rate (HR) variability reflect autonomic cardiovascular function and the effects of aging. Ambulatory ECG was monitored in 94 healthy volunteers. Sequential RR data were processed by fast Fourier transformation (FTT), and the slope of the regression line (log frequency-log power density) was examined as X of the 1/f fluctuations. In 20 healthy volunteers, the coefficient of variance of RR, baroreflex sensitivity assessed by Valsalva's maneurver, plasma norepinephrine concentration, and β-receptor sensitivity assessed by isoproterenol challenge were investigated. With advancing age the X of 1/f fluctuations became increasingly positive from 0.823 (15~20 years) to 1.114 (65~70 years) (p< 0.01). The indices of autonomic cardiovascular function showed no significant correlation with the slope of the regression line. The results suggested that 1/f fluctuations may be a new chaotic index.
- 1996-12-25
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