- 論文の詳細を見る
Female physiological characteritics of the vascular endothelial cell function and coagulationfibrinolysis system were investigated in terms of the effect of aging, lipid metabolism and ovarian function. The plasma levels of thrombomodulin (TM) and tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA) were correlated with age. The plasma level of tPA was correlated with the atherogenic index (AI). The menopausal group had higher plasma levels of TM, tPA and antithrombin III than the groups having menstruation. The mean flection point of the cubic expressions between the age and the endothelial cell substances or coagulation-fibrinolysis factors was 48.0 years of age which was the same as the age for the climacterium. The percent increase in the plasma level of tPA determined by a venous occlusion test had a negative correlation with AI. The percent increases in tPA and 6-ketoprostaglandin F_<1α> tended to differ between the group whose menstruation was regular and the group in which it was irregular. Multivariate analysis showed a significant multiple correlation of age with tPA, AI and plasminogen activator inhibitor and a significant canonical correlation of the endothelial cell substances with coagulation-fibrinolysis factors. These findings suggest that the vascular endothelial cell damage progressed with aging and lipid levels and was positive in the menopausal group. They also suggest that aging, lipid metabolism and ovarian function are involved in the endothelial cell function and coagulation-fibrinolysis system in females.
- 東京女子医科大学の論文
- 1996-03-25
- 1.先天性嚢胞性腺腫様奇形を呈した死産胎児2剖検例についての病理学的検討(第16回学内病理談話会,学術情報)
- 女性における血管内皮機能と凝固線溶系に及ぼす加齢および脂質要因の影響(学位論文の内容の要旨および審査の結果の要旨 第37集(平成10年5月))
- P-61 卵巣機能の欠如に伴う血管硬化性病変の発現と脂質代謝異常との関連性について
- 322 加齢に伴う動脈硬化発症病態におけるアポ蛋白, リポ蛋白の生物学的意義について
- 54 加齢に伴う動脈硬化の発症動態 : ことに血管粘弾性, 末梢循環機能, 血管内皮機能ならびに脂質代謝の相関性について
- 53 Life spanにおける末梢循環系の適応動態 : 多変量解析による血管内皮系, 凝固線溶系及び脂質代謝系の相関分析
- 335 加齢, 脂質代謝および性差要因に伴う筋エネルギー代謝と血管内皮機能の動的解析
- 334 サーモグラフィー, 加速度脈波による寒冷負荷後の末梢循環系の反応性 : 特に hot flashの病態解明について
- 524 筋エネルギー代謝機能よりみた年齢負荷要因の動的解析
- 522 加齢に伴う血管内皮機能の生化学的評価
- 235 年齢負荷に伴う末梢循環機能と筋エネルギー代謝との相互関係に関する基礎的研究
- 女性における血管内皮機能と凝固線溶系に及ぼす加齢および脂質要因の影響
- 運動負荷による筋エネルギー代謝よりみた年齢要因
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