ヒト角膜上皮培養細胞株を用いたMajor Basic Proteinによる角膜上皮障害およびIL8産生能の検討
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Major basic protein (MBP) is one of the eosinophilic protein and has been reported to participate in the mechanism of corneal damage in severe allergic conjunctivitis. To investigate the effects of MBP on cultured human corneal epithelial cell (HCEC), cell lysis and cytokine production were studied. HCEC treated with MBP showed morphological change such as aggregation. MBP (1.0 × 10^<-5> M) induced a significant increase in cell lysis (p <0.05) compared to spontaneous cell lysis. The production of interleukin-8 (IL-8) from HCEC was also stimulated by MBP (1.0 × 10^<-5> M). There was a significant difference (p <0.001) between the MBP stimulated cells and the spontaneous rate. The current study suggests that MBP are capable of damaging human corneal epithelial cells and that MBP may play a role in the recruitment of inflammatory cells through inducing IL-8 production in corneal epithelial cells.
- 東京女子医科大学の論文
- 1997-10-25
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- ヒト角膜上皮培養細胞株を用いたMajor Basic Proteinによる角膜上皮障害およびIL8産生能の検討
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