- 論文の詳細を見る
The life styles and life cycles of both men and women have greatly changed in Japan during the 50 years since the end of World War II, and unlike the path trod by their grandparents' and parents' generation, people today are leading lives based on their own individual sense of values and tastes. Among Erikson's 8 stages of personality development, identity formation, which is a developmental task of the puberty stage-young adulthood stage, achieving a stable life in intimacy with others in the young adult stage-adult stage, and the process of confronting old age are tasks common to both men and women. However, the changes in sex hormones associated with age in women, for example, those associated with the menstrual cycle from menarche and puberty onward, with pregnancy, delivery, the puerperium, lactation, menopause, etc., are much more marked than the changes in male hormones, which describe slow curves. Perhaps it is for that reason that there are generally more female patients than males in psychiatric clinical practice, and depressive states in particular are more common in women. No matter what course women chose among the current diversified life styles, getting married and becoming a full-time homemaker, continuing to work, living alone, and so forth, each path traveled has its own stresses and crises that are encountered in each stage of life. Five patients who suffered setbacks are presented, and by reflecting on their behavior we hope to find ways of living our troubled lives more smoothly while maintaining good interpersonal relations in our own individual worlds.
- 東京女子医科大学の論文
- 1997-04-25
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- 11. 東京女子医大神経精神科におけるコンサルテーション・リエゾン活動の実態(東京女子医科大学学会第307回例会)
- 東京都女性相談センターにおける精神科判定事例の実態と社会的転帰
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- 女性のライフサイクルと危機(教育講演,東京女子医科大学学会第62回総会)
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- Dialysis patient presenting neurological symptom by haloperidol administration.