女性の薬物依存,乱用者の実態と対応策の検討 : 東京都女性相談センター入所の69例から
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We investigated the current condition of 69 drug dependents (25 stimulant dependents, 24 alcohol dependents, 12 another drug dependents and 8 multiple dependents) who visited Tokyo Metropolitan Government Women Counseling Center between 1977 and 1988. The life history, family history, educational career and character were similar between these 4 groups. However, prior to visiting this center, the alcohol-dependent group showed a more unstable life style. The prognosis of this group was not good because most recommenced drinking soon after visiting the center. The stimulant-dependent group showed a better prognosis than alcohol-dependent group because many patients in the former group had escaped from stimulant-dependent partners and were committed to ending their own drug use. Patients diagnosed with residual and late-onset psychotic disorder who were most commonly found in the stimulant-dependent group, showed a bad prognosis. Due to ongoing symptoms stimulant-dependent patients were repeatedly admitted and were in hospital for long periods. Most of multiple-dependent group used stimulant drugs, so their overall characteristics were similar to the stimulant-dependent group. In this study we have identified a need for countermeasure treatment of drug dependent patients as severe as that required for infectious diseases like AIDS or E. coli O-157.
- 東京女子医科大学の論文
- 1997-02-25
田村 敦子
岩井 一正
田村 敦子
氏家 由里
田村 敦子
岩井 一正
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