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To elucidate the efficacy and limitations of directional coronary atherectomy (DCA) for lesions unsuitable for percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) (lesions with eccentric morphology, abnormal contour, or situated at the ostium of the left anterior descending artery), we investigated the acute and late outcome of DCA for 87 lesions of the native coronary artery from 81 consecutive patients. The severity of residual stenosis after DCA was not influenced by the eccentricity of the lesions before the procedure. Extremely eccentric lesions (eccentricity index≧30; n=36) were successfully treated with DCA as well as concentric lesions (eccentricity index<20; n=29), and the restenosis rate was similar in both groups (36% vs 41%). When the effectiveness of DCA and PTCA for extremely eccentric lesions was compared, residual stenosis after the procedures was significantly smaller in the DCA group than in the PTCA group (25.3% vs 35.1%), and the incidence of intimal dissection after the procedure was significantly lower in the DCA group (14% vs 32%). Furthermore, restenosis at follow-up was significantly lower in the DCA group than in the PTCA group (36% vs 66%). DCA was used to treat lesions with an abnormal contour effectively and safely. Although the sample size was small (n=13), the restenosis rate of DCA for lesions with an abnormal contour was quite low (15%). After DCA was applied to lesions located at the ostium of the left anterior descending (LAD) artery, coronary dissection or abrupt closure was not seen, but there was a significantly higher restenosis rate for ostial LAD compared with nonostial LAD (60% vs 29%).
- 東京女子医科大学の論文
- 2002-09-25
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