僧帽弁狭窄症に対する交連切開術前後のRadiopulmonary Cardiogram : 心肺循環時間と血行動態との関連について
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In mitral stenosis, cardiac catheterization brings about reliable hemodynamic data. However, it is difficult to perform it frequently because of an invasive method. On the contrary, radiopulmonary cardiogram is a safe and noninvasive method, so that it is easy possible to perform it frequently. In this study the author studied the correlation between the data of cardiac catheterization and that of radiopulmonary cardiogram in order to evaluate the usefulness of the latter in evaluating the hemodynamics of mitral stenosis. Radiopulmonary cardiogram was taken before and after mitral commissurotomy in 20 patients with pure mitral stenosis after intravenous injection of 99mTc-pertechnetate. The circulation time from the right heart to the lung (R-P time), from the lung to the left heart (P-L time) and from the right heart to the left heart (R-L time) were calculated and these data were compared with those of cardiac catheterization, such as the mean left atrial pressure, the mean pulmonary artery pressure and the functional mitral valve area which was calculated by Gorlin and Gorlin formula, and also the actual mitral valve area measured at the time of operation. The results were as follows : 1) A significant prolongation of the P-L time was seen in patients with pure mitral stenosis (5.49±0.83sec.), but it was shortened after the operation (3.29±0.70 sec.). 2) The P-L time showed a close positive relationship between the mean left atrial pressure (r=0.94) and the mean pulmonary artery pressure (r=0.60). 3) The P-L time showed a close negative relationship between the functional mitral valve area (r=-0.90), and the actual mitral valve area. 4) The R-P time and the R-L time did not have a close interrelation to the hemodynamic data. 5) In the study of postoperative exertional radiopulmonary cardiography in 13 cases, significant prolongation of the P-L time was recognized in 2 patients with mitral regurgitation after mitral commissurotomy. According to these results, the author has concluded that the P-L time in radiopulmonary cardiogram is useful in the evaluation of the hemodynamics of mitral stenosis and the functionl mitral valve area can be estimated by the following equation. F-MVA(cm^2) =3.92-0.55×P-L time(sec.)
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