- 論文の詳細を見る
The skin is the largest organ and forms the outermost part of the body. The skin and many cutaneous disorders are closely related to exogenous factors such as life style, environmental conditions, and so on. Therefore, it is very important to consider the skin and cutaneous disorders from a socio-environmental viewpoint. Since joining the Department of Dermatology about 40 years ago, I have been studying dermatomycoses and medical mycology as a subspecialty. During this period, the nature of cutaneous mycoses has changed. This paper covers the following topics: 1) gradual increases in the number of cases of tinea pedis among the elderly and children, 2) changes in prevalence of Microsporum canis infection, 3) increases in the number of cases of dermatophytosis caused by Trichophyton tonsurans in recent years, 4) the epoch-making development of a treatment for onychomycosis, 5) transition of the clinical type of cutaneous candidiasis, 6) expansion of knowledge about the pathogenesis and mycology of Malassezia species, 7) decreased prevalence of deep dermatomycoses such as sporotrichosis or dematiaceous fungus infection.
- 東京女子医科大学の論文
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- 日本医真菌学会50周年記念シンポジウムの開催に当たって
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- 深在性皮膚真菌症の診断と治療
- フケ症に対する0.75%硝酸ミコナゾール配合 シャンプーの有用性の検討-シャンプー基剤を対照とした二重盲検比較試験-
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- 深在性皮膚真菌症の診断と治療
- グラフ 難治な手足の白癬菌感染症
- 爪白癬
- P-027 Microsporum canisによる白癬の3例(一般演題(ポスター発表),基礎から臨床へ、臨床から基礎への提案)
- 日本医真菌学会50周年記念シンポジウム
- P-062 Epidermophyton floccosumによる角化型手白癬の1例(一般演題(ポスター発表),生態と進化から考える医真菌学)