<Article> Spatial Cycle Race 1985 : ROXY Index Analysis of the 1985 Population Census for Three Railway-line Regions in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area
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13ased on 七he preliminary counts of the 1985 popula七ion census, the degree of イ‘≠р魔≠獅??撃獅?獅煤@in the spatial cycle stage,, is examined by means of the ROXY index method for three major railway-line regions in the Tokyo metropolitan area. The results indicate thaちamong the three railway-1ine regions during the 1980-85 period, the Chuo Line region was at the most advanced s訟ge along the circular path in the spatial cycle framework. This region, stretching by the Japanese National Railway8 Clluo Line, which is the busiest commuting railway line in the Tokyo metropolitan area, moved to the last phase of the post-suburbanizatio皿stage with the arrival of the 1980s and would be likely to come close to the rst phase of the recentralization stage around the beginning of the 1990s.
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