- 論文の詳細を見る
The author describes the history of Quality Function Deployment (QFD) from the early period prior to quality table formation through the periods of it's table proposals, quality requirement deployment tables and quality deployment formation, and total QFD as well as their overseas applications. The incentive for starting QFD began during the last half of the 1960s. In 1972, "quality deployment" procedures were presented and then quality tables were announced by the Kobe Shipyard & Machinery Works of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries. Quality tables were born from the discussion of the process functions of ship design, and quality table definitions were presented the following year. These were followed by the birth of quality requirement deployment tables, the presentation of quality deployment methods, and the rapid spread of QFD after the publication in book form of Quality Function Deployment. New developments in QFD followed thereafter including technological deployment, reliability deployment, and cost deployment. QFD was first introduced in the United States during a four-day seminar in 1983 and it spread widely after that. QFD symposiums were begun in the United States in 1989, and the first International QFD Symposium (ISQFD) was held in Japan in 1995 and is regularly held with different countries rotating as host.
- 社団法人日本品質管理学会の論文
- 2010-01-15
- 2-3 医療機関の総合的質経営に対する意識に関する調査研究 : 「医療の質向上に関するアンケートから」((社)日本品質管理学会第74回研究発表会)
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- 出産に関する患者満足度調査
- 2-1 素材産業における品質・価格企画の一考察(第64回研究発表会)
- 3-3 QFDを加えたISO14000システムの提案通信建設企業における環境マネジメントシステム(第58回研究発表会)
- 品質機能展開((1)システム系,品質管理事始め(ルーツを探る))
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- 歯科医療における要求品質と医療工程管理(第67回(中部支部第19回)研究発表会)
- 2-2 医療品質に関する研究 : 病院における品質機能展開の適用(第64回研究発表会)
- QS-9000総論 その特徴 (特集 QS-9000と品質)
- 3-2 QFDを加えたISO9000品質システムの提案(第58回研究発表会)
- 「大学教育におけるTQM」(第67回シンポジウム「TQMと人材開発・教育マネジメント」)
- 「TQM宣言」に思う (「TQM宣言に思う(2)」)
- 日本の品質管理-TOMで経営の向上 (日本の品質管理-TQMで経営の向上)
- これからのTQM(TQC・TQMとは何か…"これまで"と"これから")