F-EDCF: Fair Scheduling with EDCF for Wireless LANs(Terrestrial Radio Communications)
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Wireless LAN (WLAN) has greatly benefited from the introduction of various technologies, such as MAC protocol and scheduling algorithm. The majority of these technologies focus on fairness or service differentiation. However, current WLAN technologies do not provide many benefits to WLAN because most previous literature only focuses on the provision of a single aspect of QoS. Unfortunately, multimedia applications require both service differentiation and fairness. Therefore, this paper combines Distributed Fair Scheduling (DFS) and Enhanced Distributed Coordinate Function (EDCF), to simultaneously provide both fairness and service differentiation. The simulation results demonstrate that F-EDCF outperforms the EDCF, in terms of throughput, fairness, and delay view-points.
- 2007-03-01
論文 | ランダム
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