Improved Collision Attacks on MD4 and MD5(Hash Functions,<Special Section>Cryptography and Information Security)
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At Eurocrypt'05, Wang et al. presented efficient collision attacks on MD5 and MD4 hash functions. They found a collision of MD5 with a complexity of less than 2^<37> MD5 hash operations, and a collision of MD4 with complexity less than 2^8 MD4 hash operations. In their attack, the procedure to generate a collision is divided into 4 steps. First, they determine the message differential and output differentials of chaining variables in each step, which generates a collision with small complexity. Second, they construct sufficient conditions that guarantee that the desired differential is always calculated. Third, they find a message modification that can satisfy the sufficient conditions with high probability. Finally, they search for a message that satisfies all sufficient conditions. In this paper, we focus on the message modification of MD5 and MD4, and propose a new message modification. Using our message modification, a collision of MD5 can be found with complexity less than 2^<29> MD5 hash operations, and a collision of MD4 can be found with complexity less than 3 MD4 hash operations. To improve the complexity from previous attacks, we mainly use two ideas. The first idea is to use message modification that can satisfy more sufficient conditions in the second round than in previous attacks. The second idea is to use message modification that can enable us to search for a collision starting from an intermediate step.
- 社団法人電子情報通信学会の論文
- 2007-01-01
OHTA Kazuo
University of Electro-Communications
University of Electro-Communications
University of Electro-Communica-tions
Naito Yusuke
University Of Electro-communications
Ohta Kazuo
Department Of Informatics The University Of Electro-communications
Kunihiro Noboru
Univ. Tokyo Kashiwa‐shi Jpn
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