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Carbon isotopic compositions (δ^<13>C values) of sterols in various geochemical samples were analyzed and their usefulness as a biomarker was evaluated. δ^<13>C values of algal derived sterols ranged from -25.3 to -22.1‰ in Holocene sediments, while they ranged from -29.7 to -24.2‰ in glacial marine sediments, suggesting that the δ^<13>C values are mainly depend on the primary productivity. The δ^<13>C values of 24-methylcholesta-5,22-dien-3β-ol in Japan Sea sediments ranged from -25.2 to -23.1‰. This sterol is derived from bacillariophyceae (diatom) and haptophyceae. However, the carbon isotopic compositions of unsaturated C_<37> ketones (C_<37> alkenones) are largely different from that of 24-methylcholesta-5,22-dien-3β-ol. The δ^<13>C values of cholesterol which is produced partly by zooplankton ranged from -24.5 to -21.5‰. The δ^<13>C measurements of C_<29> sterols are valid for the discrimination of their sources (marine and/or terrestrial) and this would provide a powerful tool for discussing the paleo-climatic changes in the Japan Sea.
- 日本有機地球化学会の論文
- 2002-06-30
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