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To disclose what factors affect the contentment of high-school life and lessons, weconstructed four psychometrical measurements. A questionnaire including 14 items onseveral evaluations of high school life, with three items concerning the contentmenttoward school life, lessons and homework in the face-sheet, was administered to 611parents of high school students and analyzed using such psychometrical methods as thefactor analysis and the canonical correlation analysis. The main results are asfollows. First, there is strong evidence that parents think school counseling andguidance plays an important role in improving the students' academic achievement.Second, parents think that the high-school students' satisfaction with their schoollife and lessons is significantly influenced by their evaluations on the educationalguidance, career guidance and counseling as one of the most influential factorsthroughout their high-school years. For parents with the freshmen and juniors in highschool, the contentment with their children's school life and lessons is linked bytheir compliance with school regulations and social rules, Third, parents withfreshmen or seniors in high school think that the teachers' dedication toward clubactivities has some negative effect on the students' homework. Fourth, canonicalcorrelation analysis shows that parents with high school students are composed of twotypes: the general evaluation type and the club activity-centered evaluation type.
- 2010-03-01
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