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It is known that the liquid-liquid interface becomes unstable, when the electric field is applied to the interface. The electric field generates ripples or the conical waves, the latter so called Taylor cone, on the interface. In this paper, an instability of the interface of water and silicone oil is dealt. The positive electrode is set in the oil and the negative one in the water, and high voltage is applied between them. Interfacial behavior is photographed by use of a high-speed video camera, and observed in detail on a monitor, and the visualization technique is also used. As a result, it is confirmed that the key factor of an interfacial instability is electro-convective flow in oil, from the electrode in oil toward the interface. The vertical angle of the conical wave is measured from the generation to the disappearance. The change of the vertical angle divides into two stages. The angle change from approximately 120deg to 90deg in the first stage, and it decreases rapidly to approximately 50deg at the second stage. There is no period in this experiment when the angle is maintained to 98.6deg, which is obtained by Taylor under static condition. And it is confirmed that the growth of Taylor cone is remarkable in the vicinity of the wave point, by visualization of the behavior of the interface.
- 2009-11-25
栩谷 吉郎
栩谷 吉郎
藤本 雅則
藤本 雅則
藤本 雅則
藤本 雅則
金沢工業大学 大学院 工学研究科 機械工学専攻 博士後期課程
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